Should I hire a payments consultant, pay for a fractional payments executive, or figure out payments on my own?
For most businesses, payment concerns typically don't require a consultant. It is easy to quickly determine if a business can solve their issues wth free resources or if a level on consulting is needed.
Understanding Interchange Plus Pricing in Credit Card Processing: A Comprehensive Guide
This article will demystify the various elements involved, such as gateways, processors, banks, and card networks, and explore how features like network tokens, level 2 and 3 data, and least cost routing can help in reducing processing costs.
Leveraging Level 2 and Level 3 for Credit Card Processing
A critical but often overlooked aspect of achieving these objectives lies in the utilization of Level 2 and Level 3 credit card processing data. This article elucidates why businesses should harness the power of these advanced data processing levels, the card types affected, and the potential cost savings, aiming to illuminate the path for enterprises towards a more streamlined, efficient, and economically sound future.
Why you should enable Least Cost Routing (LCR)
In today's rapidly evolving digital marketplace, businesses of all sizes face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. Among these, the optimization of payment processing systems stands out as a critical factor in enhancing operational efficiency and maximizing profitability.