Why you should enable Least Cost Routing (LCR)

In today's rapidly evolving digital marketplace, businesses of all sizes face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. Among these, the optimization of payment processing systems stands out as a critical factor in enhancing operational efficiency and maximizing profitability. A significant aspect of this optimization process is the implementation of least cost routing (LCR) for debit card transactions. This article explores the rationale behind enabling LCR for businesses that accept credit and debit cards, and provides recommendations for service providers that facilitate this feature, ultimately highlighting how Reform Payments Consultants LLC can assist businesses in optimizing their payment processing systems.

Understanding Least Cost Routing

LCR, a type of interchange optimization, is a process that allows businesses to route debit card transactions through the lowest cost network available. This means that when a customer makes a debit card purchase, the transaction can be processed via a network that offers the lowest fees, rather than defaulting to a more expensive option. The benefits of LCR are multifaceted, including reduced processing costs, enhanced transaction flexibility, and improved profitability.

Regulation II, also known as the Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing rule, was established by the Federal Reserve following the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, specifically under the Durbin Amendment. This regulation has had a significant impact on the payments industry, particularly in how merchants handle debit card transactions, including pinless debit transactions. It enables merchants to use least cost routing (LCR) by imposing requirements on debit card transaction processing fees and routing options.

Moreover, major merchants possess the advantage of using their routing capabilities as a bargaining tool to secure rates below the standard offerings with major global networks (such as Visa, Mastercard, Discover) by routing to other US based debit networks (including Interlink, Maestro, Pulse, STAR, NYCE). By utilizing least cost debit routing strategies, businesses are in a position to benefit from these negotiated discounts, thereby lowering their overall expenses associated with accepting debit card payments.

Benefits of Least Cost Routing

The implementation of LCR can provide several benefits to merchants, including:

Reduced Processing Costs: The primary advantage is the potential for significant reductions in the cost of processing debit card transactions.

Increased Profit Margins: Lower transaction costs directly improve profit margins, especially important in industries with tight margins.

Enhanced Competitiveness: Savings on transaction fees can be passed on to customers in the form of lower prices or better services, enhancing the competitiveness of the business.

Flexibility and Control: LCR gives merchants more control over their payment processing, allowing them to adapt to changes in fee structures or network availability.

Implementation Considerations

Implementing LCR requires a compatible payment processing system and possibly renegotiating terms with payment processors or networks. Merchants need to:

Assess Compatibility: Ensure their current hardware and software systems are capable of supporting LCR.

Understand Fee Structures: Have a clear understanding of the fee structures of different networks to make informed routing decisions.

Partner with the Right Processor: Work with a payment processor that offers flexibility and support for LCR.Payment networks impose diverse interchange fees for handling debit card transactions, and LCR provides businesses with the strategic option to direct debit transaction volume through the most cost-effective network.

How Reform Payments Consultants LLC Can Help

Choosing to implement least cost routing is a step in the right direction, but navigating the complexities of payment processing networks and fees can be daunting. This is where Reform Payments Consultants LLC comes in. Our expertise lies in helping businesses optimize their payment processing systems, ensuring they benefit from the lowest possible transaction costs while maintaining or enhancing transaction speed and reliability.

Our services include:

Customized Analysis: We conduct a detailed analysis of your current payment processing fees and identify opportunities for cost savings through LCR.

Provider Selection: Based on your business needs, we recommend the best service providers that offer LCR, ensuring a perfect match for your transaction volume, business model, and industry.

Implementation Support: Our team provides end-to-end support during the implementation of LCR, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your operations.

Ongoing Optimization: The payments landscape is continuously evolving. We provide ongoing support and advice to ensure your payment processing remains optimized for cost savings and efficiency.

Enabling least cost routing for debit card transactions is a strategic move that can lead to significant cost savings, competitive advantage, and enhanced customer satisfaction. Selecting the right service provider is crucial, and with the expertise of Reform Payments Consultants LLC, businesses can navigate this complex landscape with ease. By partnering with us, companies can ensure that they are not only optimizing their payment processing fees through LCR but are also positioned for success in the broader aspects of their financial operations. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your payment processing strategy.

George Ferko

George Ferko’s recent efforts have been focused on developing strong sales and leadership skills by working in direct sales, recruiting, and sales management. He runs a sales office in  Philadelphia where he recruits , trains, and coaches new salespeople to build large client lists and serve those clients.  

In the previous years leading up to the beginning of his sales career he was an engineer conducting research developing the next gen transparent armor under government grants. As an engineer he developed very strong analytical skills as well as skills in instruction and teaching.

He is a driven individual who is constantly concerned with his own growth and development. He enjoys skiing in the winter time and swimming in the summer.


Leveraging Level 2 and Level 3 for Credit Card Processing